Centennial Hall

Centennial Hall
Dormitories at SUNY-ESF. This building got a LEED Gold certification and is the home-base for most of our building-growing studies.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Meet the Authors

Hello interwebs. I am Aaliyah (ah-LEE-ya) and my favorite parasite is Wolbachia. Being that humans are as abundant as this parasite, I think that the more sustainable each individual is, the better off the environment will be. Sustainable practices start with me, and I plan on working my way out to the rest of the world. Join me.

Hi! My name is Sarah (or Sara, the H is silent and irrelevant) and my favorite flower is Atropa belladonna, otherwise known as deadly nightshade. I love how it can be used as a medicine and a poison, showing how even the most negative things can have positive aspects. Human beings may be “infecting” the world, but we can also be the cure for our own actions, we just need to learn how. Construction may have a large impact on the Earth but I believe that, with a few tweaks, it can be turned from poison to cure and help us reverse the impact we have had on the planet.

Hello, my name is Zane, I am a Sustainable Energy Management major and some of my interests are hiking, skiing, and many other outdoor activities.  Teaching people about the benefits of building sustainable, green, buildings is something that will surely benefit the environment.  The trail to improving our green building practices is going to be a long, hard, and definitely steep one, but with the right materials and information we can change our ways and improve the world.  So tie your boots tight and lets start climbing.

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